Andreas Kähäri

Andreas Kähäri

System developer

Uppsala University

ORCID: 0000-0001-9945-5694


Andreas is employed at NBIS in Uppsala as a system developer.

After studying numerical analysis and high-performance computing at Uppsala University in the 1990s, Andreas transitioned into software development for life sciences. He began his career as a research fellow and bioinformatics support technician at AgResearch in New Zealand in late 2000.

In 2003, he moved to EMBL-EBI near Cambridge in the UK to assist in the implementation and deployment of distributed annotation servers (DAS) within the national e-Protein network and the European BioSapiens network of excellence. During his time at EMBL-EBI, he was part of the Ensembl software team, where he developed and maintained the Ensembl core infrastructure, including the Perl API and SQL schema, as well as BioMart.

Before returning to Uppsala in 2014, Andreas worked for two years in the Ensembl gene annotation team at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. His work there primarily focused on various aspects of the implementation of the Ensembl automatic gene annotation pipeline, but also included the annotation of the cat and turtle genomes.

In his current position at NBIS, Andreas is mainly a senior backend software developer. Additionally, he has operational responsibilities, including caring for a number of internal services.