NBIS Anniversary Symposium 24th of November
SciLifeLab Bioinformatics Platform NBIS celebrates 15 years and organises an Anniversary Symposium on Friday 24 November at 10h00 (coffee/tea from 09h30) with mingle afterwards (16h00) in Uppsala, SciLifeLab Trippelrummet.
Preliminary Programme
0930–1000 Coffee/Tea
1000–1015 Bengt Persson: Welcome and NBIS overview
1015–1100 Keynote presentation by Mathias Uhlén: Human Protein Atlas (HPA)
1100–1115 Björn Nystedt: WABI 10 years
1115–1135 User presentation by Anna Rising and Johan Reimegård: Blueprint behind natures high-performance fiber
1135–1155 User presentation by Maria Ulvmar: Automatic detection of vascular remodeling in cancer
1200–1300 Lunch
1300–1305 Joel Hedlund: AIDA Data Hub
1305–1350 Keynote presentation by Jeroen van der Laak: Bigpicture and Digital pathology
1350–1400 Anna Hagwall: Human data
1400–1420 User presentation by Andreas Wallberg: Adaptation under the Sea: new insights into ecological genomics in keystone zooplankton
1420–1430 Niclas Jareborg: Data management – FAIR data for Swedish research
1430–1500 Coffee/Tea
1500–1530 User presentation by Johan Lindberg: Addressing precision medicine challenges in cancer
1530–1540 Jessica Lindvall: Advanced training
1540–1550 Jonas Söderberg: Support for Computational Resources
1550–1600 Bengt Persson: Concluding remarks
1600 – Drinks and finger food
Please register via this link:
so that we know approximately how many that will attend.